All about Therese, Steve, Daniel and Angelique, Sam and Jess, Madeline and Daniel, Brigette and Adriano, Tom, Amelia and Ryan, Christopher and Joseph. Come on in and share a cup of coffee and see what is happening in our lives.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
What is the Source of Human Dignity?
The source of human dignity is the reality of our being made in the image and likeness of our loving God. Because of this likeness each of us searches for what is true and good. The gift of faith allows us to see what is truly good for us and gives us the courage to follow God's truth in our daily lives.
However, because of sin this not easy. Satan is constantly at work through lies, trying to lead us away from the living and true God in order to turn towards idols.
Sin does no eliminate our dignity and turn us totally away from God. There always remains within us the desire to know the truth and to do what is right and good. This desire for truth and goodness is our longing for God.
We never totally turn away from asking the ultimate religious question: what is the meaning of my life? It is only God who can fully answer these questions. It is only God's answers which can bring us peace.
A Guide for the Study of Veritatis Splendor by William F. Maestri
However, because of sin this not easy. Satan is constantly at work through lies, trying to lead us away from the living and true God in order to turn towards idols.
Sin does no eliminate our dignity and turn us totally away from God. There always remains within us the desire to know the truth and to do what is right and good. This desire for truth and goodness is our longing for God.
We never totally turn away from asking the ultimate religious question: what is the meaning of my life? It is only God who can fully answer these questions. It is only God's answers which can bring us peace.
A Guide for the Study of Veritatis Splendor by William F. Maestri
Friday, July 20, 2012
7 Quick Takes.
This week, term three started. On day 2, Christopher and I had our first power struggle. Mum was the winner. Day 3, 4 and 5 were proof of that.
It is a month tomorrow since Joseph had his botox injections. It seems to have been effective but his physio thinks they didn't give him a strong enough dose. We are seeing the Rehabilitation specialist on Monday so will see what he thinks about the progress.
One of the reasons, Christopher and I had a power struggle on Tuesday was because I have started a new spelling program for him. This one is testing each day and once he has them all correct twice, we move on to a new group of words. This was the best spelling program I had for Tom and Amelia and the one that they retained what they had learnt. That is really the main goal of spelling so I decided to change over to this for Christopher. I will let you know in a few weeks if it is working.
Tonight Steve and I had a night out for tea. We went to Cafe Primo. It is a bit loud there but I have always enjoyed the food there. Steve loves Indian so maybe next time, we will go to the Indian restaurant.
Since our night away to hear Jill Stanek, Steve and I have decided we will try and get away every school holidays for one night on our own. There are quite a few bed and breakfast places close by to us so hopefully we will be able to do this each holiday. The next school holidays will be from September 21st till October 7th.
On Monday night, Christopher was out riding his bike. His pump was in his pocket and fell out. He rode his bike over it. He showed me and explained what had happened but I didn't really pay much attention to it. I could see that he had scratched the side of the pump but didn't realise he had broken it completely. When we went to give him insulin with is tea, I realised it wasn't working so we put him on his backup health care plan. We spoke with an Endocrinologist that night and then rang Medtronic on Tuesday morning. We had a new pump for Christopher by Wednesday afternoon.
On a positive note, the boys diabetes has been going really well this week. I like it when I know what has caused a high bsl or a low one and just about all of them, I have known this week. I am conscious that a lot of the time that I write about diabetes and the boys on here, that I am writing negative things about it. I want to write about the good weeks too.
Don't forget to drop over to Jen at Conversion Diary for more 7 quick takes.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
An evening with Jill Stanek.
Last night, Steve and I had a night away on our own. We went to Adelaide and listened to Jill Stanek speak. It was a great night. After the talk and question time, Steve and I went with Jill and some others for coffee at the Playford. Steve took this photo of Jill and I there.
Sunday, July 08, 2012
Weekend wrap up.
We are now halfway through the holidays and we are having a great time. Saturday morning Tom, Amelia and Joseph came to mass with us and straight after, Amelia, Joseph and I went shopping and Steve and Tom went and did some work for St. Vinnies. I spent the day preparing meals for the week. We had a visit from some friends from Adelaide in the afternoon. They came to Saturday vigil mass with us. After mass, Steve and i went to a friends 50th birthday party. It was nice to get out on our own.
Today we had the morning at home. In the afternoon, Steve, Brigette and I went to a talk on human trafficking. It was quite eye opening to hear about how people are abused and manipulated into being slaves to others. I didn't realize this is happening in Australia but it is.
Here is a photo I snapped today that I wanted to share. This is one of the things I love about having 8 children. My older children help out a lot with the younger ones and it makes life much easier.

Today we had the morning at home. In the afternoon, Steve, Brigette and I went to a talk on human trafficking. It was quite eye opening to hear about how people are abused and manipulated into being slaves to others. I didn't realize this is happening in Australia but it is.
Here is a photo I snapped today that I wanted to share. This is one of the things I love about having 8 children. My older children help out a lot with the younger ones and it makes life much easier.
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
We are having a great holiday. We have caught up with family and had lots of time together. We have about a week and a half left and I have lots of plans for them.
I have a few sewing projects.
- finish our curtains for our bedroom.
- sew a couple of pairs of leggings for me.
- Do a couple more overalls for Joseph.
I am going to get our term 3 home school program all written up. Last holidays I didn't really prepare for the term and it made home school much more difficult. It wasn't a good term to be so disorganised with all the extra therapies we had happening.
Next week, I am going to be getting a heap of main meals and snacks cooked and in the freezer.
I hope everyone else that is on holidays is having fun.
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Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.