Wednesday, July 04, 2012


We are having a great holiday. We have caught up with family and had lots of time together. We have about a week and a half left and I have lots of plans for them. 

I have a few sewing projects. 

- finish our curtains for our bedroom. 
- sew a couple of pairs of leggings for me. 
- Do a couple more overalls for Joseph.

I am going to get our  term 3 home school program all written up. Last holidays I didn't really prepare for the term and it made home school much more difficult. It wasn't a good term to be so disorganised with all the extra therapies we had happening. 

Next week, I am going to be getting a heap of main meals and snacks cooked and in the freezer. 

I hope everyone else that is on  holidays is having fun. 



Vicky said...

I have curtains to sew, this holidays, too, Therese. They've been sitting around for a while so I really should get them finished.

And, the planning I'm not sure about. I'm trying to decide whether to plan 2 weeks ahead instead of the whole term. The last weeks of term 2 changed quite a bit from the plan. Do you plan in much detail or do you keep it flexible?

Hope you enjoy the rest of the holidays.
God bless:-)

Therese said...


I do a pretty detailed plan. I write out daily schedule, spelling lists, print out worksheets and put them all in a folder. Last term, I decided to just do it each weekend for the following week but just didn't get around to it. I think we were so busy during the week, I really needed more rest on the weekends.

Thanks for your comment Vicky. I hope your get your curtains done. I bet they haven't been sitting around as long as mine have.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Most productive!!! Have a wonderful holiday!!! Cathy

Therese said...

It will be if I can get it all done Cathy. I can always write a big list but dint always get it done.

Thanks for your comment.

Unknown said...

You sound like me with lots of jobs to do in the holidays- hope you get it all done!

Therese said...

i hope so too Deanne. I hope you get all yours done too.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get on top of all that and still have time for a "holiday" in the holidays.

I always want to cook ahead, but somehow just getting enough food cooked for a day or two is more than enough. Then there's the two day meals I make that get eaten in a day!


Therese said...

Thanks Shell. I will get a break. Steve and I are going awa for a night on our own. We haven't been away alone since our 5th wedding anniversary. I am looking forward to it.

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.

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New book: Faith Quilt.
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