Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lazy Blogging.

Well I got this idea from The Mom.

Ask me any question about me you like and I will answer it in my next post (as long as it doesn't give out too much information about me. This way you get to know me a bit better and I don't have to think about what to write.


Vicki said...

Ok, here's a question. It may be hard to answer in a blog post though. How do you pronounce your name? I know the American and French pronunciation, but what about the Australian.

grace said...

Name and post your four favorite Christmas songs

Dawn said...

I have three, if that's okay. What is your favorite movie? song? book?

grace said...

Do the Classic Dames quiz (see my blog)

Unknown said...

Have you lived in Australia your whole life? Ever been to the US?

I have heard that your toilets flush in the opposite direction of ours. Our are counter-clockwise-I just checked...what about yours? hee, hee!

Allison said...

If you could choose someone to play you in a movie rendition of your life who would it be? :)

Nicole Kidman?

Nancy said...

Hmmmm...just one? Well, I'd like to know what your favorite prayer is?

EC Gefroh said...

What's your favorite prayer?

Kalona said...

Hi Therese. How did you meet your husband?

Alexandra said...

Where is your favorite place to go on holidays?

One more :) ...has your family always been in Australia?

I wish I could visit someday. It's on my list of places to travel if we have a lot of spare cash. ;)

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.

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Australian Catholic Homeschoolers.

Tom's and Christopher's insulin pump

New book: Faith Quilt.

New book: Faith Quilt.
All proceeds from sales of "FAITH QUILT" going to "Casa de Amor Children's Homes in Bolivia" and "Sarah's Covenant Homes in India" Two truly extraordinary organisations that take in the most needy children and give them a place of love and security to call home.