Today is also Daniel's 21st birthday. He was born at 5.50 in the afternoon. Because he was born on new years day, a lot of people ask me if he was the first baby born for the year. Being born so late in the day though, I think he probably didn't even make it into the first ten babies born. Happy Birthday Daniel. We are really proud of the young man you have become.
So back to new years resolutions. Over the last couple of years, I have picked out a word that I want to be my word for the year. :Last year I chose simplicity and the year before hope.
Both last year and the year before, I didn't spend as much time really reflecting on either of my words. I find with a lot of things that I make some choice (like a word for the year) and it is front and centre for a few days in my life and then it takes a back seat. This is pretty typical for me. Any kind of new routine or discipline usually lasts for a few days and then becomes less of a commitment the longer I do it. With this in mind, I have decided my word for this year is to be consistency.
I want to be consistent with prayer, the different therapies my children need and my day. I want to do everything I need to with consistency and regularly.
I am looking forward to the new year with all the changes we have made. I know that only 18 months ago, I was totally overwhelmed with all that I had on. Last year wasn't as overwhelming but still pretty full on. This year I am really hopeful that I we will have a nice balance with all the different activities we have on.
I hope 2013 will be a good year for us and for you.
And Happy Birthday to Daniel :)
Happy New Year! I like your word choice.
Happy new year! Every year better and better!!
happy new year to you too Rose.
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