Hello everyone.
I just told Steve that I haven't posted here since February. He said, how slack. I have several drafts that I have started but just never get around to finishing.
Today is the 30th of November. It is the last day of diabetes awareness month so I need to post about it.
Having 3 children with diabetes is tough. I keep on thinking it will get easier but it never does. It is just as demanding today as it was nearly 3 years ago when Amelia was first diagnosed. In some ways it is more demanding because teenagers just want to fit in and not be different from all the others so I need to be more diligent in making sure they have check bsl and had insulin at meal times.
I thought during diabetes awareness week that I could tweet and post updates on Facebook when I was doing different things for my children and what it is like to have 3 children with diabetes. I just didn't get around to doing anything really. I guess that is the reality of having three children with this.
We still pray for a cure but I see so many articles about something promising that just don't seem to go anywhere that I am starting to think it will be a long way down the road. I keep an eye on Dr. Faustman's research mainly because I believe she is the one that will really help all type one diabetics and other auto immune diseases. I guess now it is just a thing I watch and wait for but not with baited breath.
Because a cure seems like a long way away and because I find it so demanding looking after 3 children with it, I went online earlier this year looking for some support.I asked about families that live with multiple diagnosis and got directed to a couple of Facebook groups that lead to the finding of the Danii Foundation.
I became a friend of the charity as soon as I found it. It was great to find a charity that is working to make lives of type one people easier. The main aim of the foundation is to get continuous glucose monitoring on the NDSS. This is one thing I would love our children to have but with three of them needing it, it is just way to expensive for us. Cost for 1 child is around $5000.00 a year so there is no way we can do it full time. We will have 10 weeks of CGM starting on the 14th of December. It is better than nothing and hopefully it will make my life a bit easier.
Next year in January, we will go on the Jelly Bean Cruise with the Danii foundation. I am excited about going on a cruise and meeting more families that deal with this disease.
All about Therese, Steve, Daniel and Angelique, Sam and Jess, Madeline and Daniel, Brigette and Adriano, Tom, Amelia and Ryan, Christopher and Joseph. Come on in and share a cup of coffee and see what is happening in our lives.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Thursday, September 03, 2015
Bogging without any effort.
A friend posted this picture on Facebook.
I thought when I read it, that is what I want with my blog. I want a blog that will update itself. I guess that isn't going to happen. It is like wanting to win the lottery without buying a ticket. or these top 4 wishes.
I thought when I read it, that is what I want with my blog. I want a blog that will update itself. I guess that isn't going to happen. It is like wanting to win the lottery without buying a ticket. or these top 4 wishes.
Friday, February 13, 2015
7 Quick Takes.
It is such a long time since I did a quick takes post. I went back and looked when the last one was. It was back in July 2013 so a quick 7 is well and truly overdue.
Last Saturday, Joseph turned 5. I cannot believe he is no longer a preschooler. Here is a photo of him in his knight outfit that we got him.
This week has been a week of mishaps. We started the week, needing to prove our ID for the purchase of our new unit. Steve's went through without any hitch but when it came time for me to do mine, they needed a marriage certificate because my birth certificate had my maiden name. The certificate that we were given the day of our marriage was not enough though because it didn't have a document number. We went to births deaths and marriages and ordered a marriage certificate with high priority. It arrived in the post the next day fortunately and I went to the Post Office to do it again. I am pretty sure this has all been completed now and hopefully it hasn't held up settlement which is next Friday.
Steve had 3 moles cut out of his back this week. We went to see the doctor today and he changed the dressing and said come back next week to make sure they are still healing okay. The lab results were back today and they were not benign so we are happy about that. Still, prayers for his recovery would be appreciated.
Christopher is due for a new pump. Insulin pumps are only under warranty for 4 years and his expired last Friday.
The hospital contacted our health insurance asking them if they would cover it. The health insurer we had hadn't got in touch with the hospital so today, I rang them and asked what was going on. I was informed that out of warranty is not enough reason for us to get a new pump and that they want more information.
I decided it was time to look around and see if there is any other health fund that are going to allow an upgrade when the pump goes out of warranty. I found one that will cover us for this so from today, we are with a new health fund.
A friend posted this picture on Facebook about health insurers and I took it on my timeline too. It was just what I felt like.
Back to Joseph. Today he received the award for his class at their school assembly. Here he is with his certificate. It says on the bottom Awarded for helping others in the class, always trying hard at all tasks and having neat and tidy work.
During the week, a friend posted this link to a Nutella Cheesecake. Here is the video from the One pot Chef.
My hubby has told me not to make it because it sounds too fattening.
I will be back with my quick 7's hopefully. It is now hosted by This ain't the Lyceum. This is my first time linking to the new hostess. Here are other people's quick takes.
Monday, February 09, 2015
Wedding photos.
The 4 groomsmen.
Angelique's father joins Daniel and Angelique's hands.
Daniel and Angelique.
Signing Marriage papers.
Bridal party
Bridesmaids and Groomsmen\
Me before the wedding.
Sunday, February 01, 2015
New Unit.
Steve and I are under contract for a new unit.
Our plan is to rent it out for the next 10 years and then move back to Adelaide and live in it.
Around that time, we will be in semi retirement and Joseph will be the only dependent child too.
I keep looking around our house and seeing how much stuff we all have. Obviously, a lot of it is because we have a big family but there is also a lot of stuff that is just clutter. I keep on thinking, when we move back to Adelaide, we won't have space for clutter so I need to simplify now and get rid of all the excess and also make our house look appealing for when it is time to sell it.
Simplifying will make our lives easier too and less stressful and everyone likes to live in an appealing place so now is the time to get it all done. .
I have a plan to work room by room and declutter and organise each one. This month, I am starting of with the little boys room.
They need new curtains, the walls painted and probably the floor done too. I can do the curtains and Steve can do the floor and paint it. They also need to have all toys moved out of their room and clothes all reorganised.
When their room is finished I will show you all before and after photos and then we will start on a new room.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
The End of an era.
Joseph all ready for school.
In his classroom in the morning.
so after 23 years of preschool children in the house, this year I am on my own for 6 hours every day.
I am excited that we are moving into a new phase in our life. I have loved raising so many children and I am sure at times I will miss them but there are many things I am going to enjoy about this new phase.
Lots of people have asked me what I am going to do with my time.
There are many things I want to do but I am sure that it won't be long and the new normal routine will be in place and I will wonder how I had time to have preschool children.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Next week is the last week of school holidays here. Steve will go into work on Thursday and Friday and the children will go back to school on the following Tuesday.
I feel a little bit sad that the holidays are so close to finishing but it will be good to have a routine again.
diabetes care becomes harder when the children are on holidays. They sit around a lot eating irregularly and much more than they usually would. BSL checks also tend to be on the lower side so getting back into our school routine will help manage them better.
These holidays Steve and I have spent a lot of time looking for a unit to buy. We have made a couple of offers on two that we have liked but so far no success in buying one. Hopefully soon we will buy one. Our plan is to rent it out till Steve retires and then go and live in Adelaide.
I have also been getting ready for Daniel and Ange's wedding. I have made Christopher a vest to wear and a dress and bolero for me.
This is the pattern I used for the dress and bolero.
These are the vests the boys will wear:
I made Joseph's for Musical Theatre Concert.
Here he is in his costume:
For the wedding, they will wear long pants, a shirt and tie with it.
;Thanks for visiting.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Happy Birthday Tom.
Today Tom turns 15.
New Born with my dad and brother John.
14 Months old. This photo was taken in Adelaide, just after Tom had been diagnosed.
Age 2 and 3. Tom and Amelia were firm friends at this age. The older children always called them the babies and I kept telling them they were not babies.
Christopher was born when Tom was 5. He loved his brother to pieces.
Age 6. This is probably his first bike.
Age 7. I couldn't find one of Tom on his own. I wonder if he had started to become a bit camera shy.
Age 8. Tom and Amelia played soccer for the Eagles.
Age 9, First Communion.
Age 10, Another brother is born.
Age 11.
Age 12 with a new pump.
Age 13. Joining scouts.
Age 14. Daniel took the 4 boys camping.
Now at 15, Tom has started working part time at Hungry Jacks. He is our 5th child to start work with them. He will be in year 10 this year at PASS.
Happy Birthday Tom. Dad and I are proud to be your parents and hope God blesses you abundantly over the years ahead.
Thursday, January 01, 2015
Happy New Year from Aussie Coffee Shop.
Looking back over the year that has been, I think it has been one of my favourite years.
Lots of good things happened.
Joseph went of to kindergarten and really enjoyed going. He also started therapy with Novita Children's services and enjoyed that too.
Brigette got her P plate licence and started driving herself and Tom to school.
Steve and I had 4 nights away on our own in Melbourne. We also went to Adelaide a lot for many friends 50th birthdays. It was great to catch up with a lot of friends we haven't seen for a long time.
In July we paid of our house in Port Augusta. This was a pretty wonderful moment for both Steve and I.
Daniel got Engaged and to a beautiful girl and we also went to Adelaide for their engagement party.
Two of our children celebrated sacraments this year. Christopher had his first reconciliation and Amelia was confirmed.
Madeline had 9 weeks in Thailand doing volunteer work with IVHQ.
The last thing that I remember that was great about our year was Sam's girlfriend, Jess joined the church. She and I did RCIA together and I was her sponsor on the 23rd of November.
Along with the good, we also had a few things that went wrong. Tom had ketoacidosis twice and had to be flown to Adelaide with The Flying Doctors. Looking after three children with diabetes continues to be challenging but I am grateful for blood glucose meters, insulin pumps and a team of professionals that are only a email or phone call away.
So now we are in 2015, we are looking forward to Daniel and Angelique's wedding, Joseph starting school and Amelia going to high school.
Steve and I are looking for an investment unit to buy in Adelaide. We want to buy one now since our house is paid of. We will rent it out and then move into it when Steve retires.
With Joseph being at school, I will have more time to do volunteer work at the school and within our parish. I will also be able to get more sewing done hopefully.
St. Catherine is going to be my blog patroness again this year. I haven't chosen a word for the year but I am praying about what it should be and how to use it in my everyday life.
Here are a few photos from the year.
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Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.