Last Saturday week, Steve spoke at mass about WYD. I wrote about it here.
Today we got a letter from a lady that was visiting our parish that night.
The letter was positive about nfp and our use of it but the lady was concerned that in calling contraception evil, Steve was putting a burden onto vulnerable and less fortunate people that have chosen to/been advised to use contraception for their own or families well being.
I just think that this is very sad. Never would it be in a families interest for a couple to contracept. Contraception is evil. It divides a couple rather than unites them. It makes the act of marriage about me and what I can get out of this rather than about us and what gift we can give to each other.
Telling people the truth is not burdensome. It is in hearing the truth that people are able to make informed decisions and choose what is right. Without the truth, many people are hurting themselves without realizing what it is that is hurting them.
Please pray for all people that think contraception is in their/their families interest. Contraception hurts everyone.
All about Therese, Steve, Daniel and Angelique, Sam and Jess, Madeline and Daniel, Brigette and Adriano, Tom, Amelia and Ryan, Christopher and Joseph. Come on in and share a cup of coffee and see what is happening in our lives.
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Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.
We do pray for those that do not see the evils of contraception. People, especiallly other Catholics who think we have a pick your own theology to live by religion, think they are justified and don't see the benefits of NFP.
We have family members that think we are off the wall with our thoughts and how sad it makes us to see that they have let themselves be swallowed into the contraception myth.
I recommend Janet Smith's CD "Contraception, Why NOT?"
She is the Chair of Life Ethics and Professor of Moral Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detriot and can also be found on the One More Soul Website.
God Bless you for knowning the truth is the truth and it is not burdensome.
Blessed Be God Forever!
JMJ Kimberly
How sad.
I find it amazing that people think God/the Church doesn't have their best interests in mind in proclaiming the Truth.
Unfortunately, we tend to become so close-minded and self-centered that we are unable to comprehend that Holy Mother Church would never wish evil upon us. How much sadder it is that people view children as a burden and a curse.
Pope Paul VI had it right in Humanae Vitae. Hopefully people will actually take time to read it and meditate upon its message for authentic married love.
We will be praying for this woman and all who think along those lines.
To answer the question/title: Yes.
And the Church teaches that it is wrong.
We ignore that at our own peril.
I find it shocking how many Catholics use contraception and receive Holy Communion. It is my understanding that even with NFP it is to be practiced responsibly.
Exactly so, Therese. Holy Mother Church is called that for a reason - she is our mother and loves us.
She is always right. We can learn that the easy way or the hard way, but learn it we will.
It is the contraceptive mentality which places burdens upon people.
Esther, I totally agree that nfp is to be practiced responsibly. A couple needs to discern what God is calling them to each month through praying together.
Spot on Therese.
Good post.
What is sad, is so many doctors promote contraception, and even catholics.
The 1st question I get asked after having a baby, is 'what contraception are you on?'
And even when you say you do NFP, they still interrigate you!
Imagine the young girls who can't stand up for themselves.
Some catholics are even naive to how wrong it is.
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