Monday, December 14, 2009

What have we been up too?

Since coming home from Dad's funeral, things have been fairly low key here.

On Wednesday everyone was still very tired from the trip so we all stayed home except Steve. I was starting to feel a bit under the weather and thought it was just from the emotions of dads funeral and end of pregnancy.

On Thursday I woke up feeling really off colour. I spent most of the day in bed and when Steve got home from work, I told him that I hadn't felt baby move all day so wanted to go to the hospital and make sure everything was okay.

Everything was okay with baby but I had also been throwing up most of the day so the midwife wanted me to go to the doctor and make sure. The doctor gave me an anti nauseous injection and a script for some tablets to take the next day.

I had a pretty good day on Friday and felt much better. On Saturday though I woke up feeling ill again. I rested most of the day and started taking the anti nauseous tablets. In spite of taking these, I was still bringing up everything I was eating and drinking.

Steve ended up back at the hospital with me on Sunday morning and we saw a doctor and an obstetrician. They decided that the vomiting was probably from a UTI rather than a gastro bug and to take some urine samples and start me on antibiotics. Today was my second day on antibiotics and I am still a bit nauseous but feeling much better. I will get the results of the urine test tomorrow when I see the obstetrician again. I am pretty sure though that we are on the right track now since the antibiotics seem to be making me feel better.

Everyone is on holidays now and Steve has been doing a lot.

Amelia cut her foot on Thursday night and needed stitches so Steve was at the hospital twice that day. In the early hours of the morning, this morning she and Brigette, came into our room and said that Amelia's face was swollen. When we looked, she had a huge lump on the side of her face coming from close to her ear. We gave her some panadol and then took her to the doctors this morning. She has a small sore on the back of her ear that an infection has got in. She is on antibiotics too and we will go back next week to make sure they have worked.

I am so glad this is happening now instead of Christmas time and while everyone is on holidays. I am hoping that by the time Amelia goes back to the doctor next week, everyone is well and we are in holiday mode fully.


Jeanne said...

Sorry to hear of the bad time you've all been having.



A Bit of the Blarney said...

So sorry you have been "under the weather." I'm sure everyone knows Steve on sight by now at the hospital. Take care of yourself! And God Bless!! Cathy

Abbey's Road said...

Awww, sweetie, I'm so sorry you have been sick, and for the others as well. You have really had a difficult time. Keeping you all in my prayers, Theresa.

Much love,


Anonymous said...

Hi Therese,
Gee, you have been having such a tough time lately, haven't you?

I'm glad to hear that you're starting to feel better, though. It's not nice when you can't hold any food down when you're pregnant - I know, with my son I couldn't eat anything without being sick. It turned out that I had pneumonia and a DVT. I spent nearly four weeks in hospital. :(

Have a great week,

Colleen said...

Wow, way too many trips to the hospital for your family! When it rains, it pours as they say. Praying you get better fast!!

Jennifer in TX said...

Oh my goodness, what a rough time you have had--praying for a healthy and restful week for you and your dear ones!

Lola said...

I hope you're feeling back to yourself in no time and your little Amelia's foot heals pretty.

(How to keep shoes on warm weather kids? I've yet to figure this out.)

God Bless you and your family.

Kalona said...

Prayers going up for you and your family, Therese. I think when we've been under a lot of stress, it's easier for illness to take hold. Feel better soon!

Jamie Jo said...

OH, my what a hard week, I hope it's only getting better now!

((((hugs))))) and prayers for no more nausia or hospital visits...until baby comes!

Therese said...

Thanks so much everyone.

I have woken early this morning and feel much much better. I am sure it is all your prayers.

Lisa@UnexpectedJourney said...

Glad you're improving! I hope the days ahead are much better!

John Michael said...

Wow, Therese!

You are in our prayers. May God heal you all in time to enjoy Christmas.

You are in our prayers!
God bless you,

yofed said...

I'm sorry to hear you have to go through all these hardships *hugs*

Alexandra said...

Steve's ambulance service, for sure! Glad you are on the mend. :)

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are going through such a time! May God welcome your dad home. I hope you'll be feeling a little better soon and have a good Christmas.
Get some bio yog for those antibiotics; they always do horrible things to me when I'm on them through pregnancy. If you are the same bio yoghurt is the only thing that helps!
God bless

Herd Momma said...

Oh sweety you have had some really rough days. Glad you are feeling better. Hope you and your littles are up, feeling better and enjoying the holiday soon. Hugs friend. Have thought of you often and am praying for you and yours.

Gramma 2 Many said...

Oh, my gosh!! Is everyone on the track back to good health now?
Take care and be careful!!!

Aubrey said...

Sheesh, that's a heck of a week. :( Hope everyone's back to normal now!

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.

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