All about Therese, Steve, Daniel and Angelique, Sam and Jess, Madeline and Daniel, Brigette and Adriano, Tom, Amelia and Ryan, Christopher and Joseph. Come on in and share a cup of coffee and see what is happening in our lives.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
A year in review part one.
Friday, November 08, 2013
Friday funnies.
"Have you ever done anything of particular merit?" St. Peter asked.
"Well, I can think of one thing," the ringer offered. "Once, on a trip to
the backblocks of Broken Hill out in New South Wales, I came
I yelled, "Now, back off!! Or I'll kick the crap out of the lot of ya's!"
St. Peter was impressed, "When did this happen?"
"Just a coupla minutes ago..."
Monday, October 28, 2013
Have you liked my facebook page?
You can go here to like Aussie Coffee Shop on Facebook. If you don't have a facebook account, you should still be able to see the photos.
Here is the latest photo with the lounges and television cabinet moved back in.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Dust everywhere.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
I am still alive.
Sunday, August 04, 2013
Weekend Wrap up.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thankful Thursday.
First, I am thankful for new quilts and covers to keep Christopher and Joseph warm this winter.
I am thankful for our quieter house and that my older three children are all living together.
I am thankful that Daniel has the opportunity to go to World Youth Day again.
I am thankful my new laundry. (pictures coming)
I am thankful that Steve and I still get out alone at least once a week. Today we had lunch together at Cafe Primo.
I am thankful for the strong wind that dried all our washing today.
I am thankful for bloglovin and been able to follow my favourite blogs.
What are you thankful for?
Friday, July 05, 2013
Quick 7 holiday edition.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
My spouse.
I have copied and pasted the questions and answers that I gave back in 2009 and I will add in any that are different now in blue.
This is kind of like the 25 things - except there are pre-decided questions and it's about you and your spouse or SO not just you. Come on, play along - inquiring minds want to know! ;-)
♥ What are your middle names
Angela and Osmond.
♥ How long have you been together?
22 years.
26 years (22 married)
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
A couple of weeks.
♥ Who asked who out
Steve offered me a lift to a party we were both going to.
♥ How old are each of you?
both 43.
Both 45.
♥ Whose siblings do/did you see the most?
Probably mine but we don't see a lot of either siblings.
I think now we see more of Steve's sister.
♥ Do you have any children together?
Yes. 8.
♥ What about pets?
Dog, Cat, love birds, chickens, turtle,
Dog, cat, chickens, gold fish,
♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Our first year in Milicent
♥ Did you go to the same school?
♥ Are you from the same home town?
♥ Who is the smartest?
♥ Who is the most sensitive?
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Hungry Jacks.
Cafe Primo
♥ Who has the worst temper?
♥ Who does the cooking?
Mostly me.
♥ Who is more social?
♥ Who is the neat-freak?
♥ Who is the more stubborn?
♥ Who hogs the bed?
Neither still but Steve hogs the blankets.
♥ Who wakes up earlier?
♥Where was your first date?
Walk at Morialta falls.
♥ Who has the bigger family?
♥ Do you get flowers often?
♥ How do you spend the holidays?
doing the bare minimum.
Now we have been trying to have a couple of nights away on our own and leave older children in charge of younger ones but since two children are moving out, we probably won't be able to do it as much.
♥ Who is more jealous?
♥ How long did it take to get serious?
Probably about a year.
♥ Who eats more?
♥ Who does/did the laundry?
Brigette and I.
Now Amelia and I.
♥ Who’s better with the computer?
♥ Who drives when you are together?
Would love other to do this and post it on their blogs. Let me know if you are doing it and I will add a link.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
2 more leaving the nest.
Sam is planing to work at Hungry Jacks still and Madeline is too. She is also going to be studying fashion design part time at TAFE. Sam says he wants to do some study but he isn't sure what he wants to do yet.
Over the years our family has changed so many times. Each time has brought challenges and blessings. Our last big change was Daniel moving out and Joseph being born. Joseph was born a week before Daniel moved to Whyalla. I missed Daniel when he first moved but I am very proud of the great young man he has become. I am sure I will miss Sam and Madeline too but I am confident they are going to grow and mature in the same way Daniel has.
Life will be a little bit quieter around here. I think we will notice Sam and Madeline absence more so than when Daniel moved since there is two of them going. Looking forward to the change and having things a bit quieter though.
Saturday, June 01, 2013
What has been happening in May?
In May Amelia turned 12 and Brigette 16. Amelia had a party at Hungry Jacks and Brigette had a night out at the movies with some girlfriends. Brigette is studying on line the tests for getting her learners permit and will probably go for the test this week. She does pretty well with the on line tests but wants to do better so that she can feel confident that she will pass.
This month, the Novita Physio was visiting Port Augusta and Joseph went along to see her. The local Physio is concerned with Joseph's knee and the amount he throws it back when he is standing. The physio that we do with Joseph will be changing a bit over the next month and we will work on getting him to hold his knee in a more natural position.
We also had diabetes endocrinologist up in Port Augusta yesterday. Tom, Amelia and Christopher all had an appointment with her. Their management is going pretty well but there is always room for improvement so we have made a few adjustments with the boys pumps and we are changing Amelia to having lantus insulin in the evening. She is only going to be on daily injections for another 3 months and will be starting pump therapy in August.
Steve and I finished Season two of Downton Abbey and started watching American Horror Story. It did have some scary things in it but over all I enjoyed the story line. We are now waiting on Season three of Downton Abbey to arrive. I am really enjoying spending time with Steve watching different series. In the past, most of our dates nights have been dinner and movie night. What I like about watching a series is talking and speculating about what is going to happen after each episode.
Sunday, May 05, 2013
Weekend Wrap up.
Friday Christopher was home sick. This isn't a part of our weekend but because he was here, I wasn't able to get food shopping done. This meant that I had to do it on Saturday. I originally planned to go the shops straight after mass and adoration but didn't get a shopping list done so didn't.
Amelia is turning 12 on Wednesday and we had a party for her yesterday at Hungry Jacks. It was great to leave all the mess behind when the party was over.
Steve and I did food shopping in the afternoon after the party and then we cooked tea. Saturday night Steve and I watched the last episode of Downton Abbey, season 1. I have ordered season 2 but it probably won't be here till the end of the week. I guess it is time for me to get on to some Poirot until season 2 gets here. I really loved Downton and am looking forward to watching the other seasons.
In May we are having the rosary before Mass on Saturday night and Sunday morning. Steve and I are going to be helping out with leading the rosary so we are going to be going on Sundays for this month. We usually go on Saturday night so that we can have a family day in on Sunday. It is the one day each week that I know I have nothing I have to do. For this month though, we will go on Sunday morning. It still we be a bit of a family day but our mornings will be full.
I hope you all had a good weekend.
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Why I support Dr. Faustman.
Here is a video that explains the type of research Dr. Faustman is doing:
Since seeing this video, I am convinced that with enough support behind her, Dr. Faustman is going to be the one to find a cure for us and for others with autoimmune diseases. The reason I think this treatment will work is because it is targeting the bad white blood cells which attack the insulin producing islets and stop the islets from reproducing. Since this is the primary cause of type one diabetes, it is what we need to reverse in the body.
I have always been against embryonic stem cell research. This isn't just because it is the killing of another soul, but because it just hasn't shown any promise at all. Since seeing Dr. Faustmans explanation of what happens with her treatment, I know that this is where we need to look for a cure. Any cell that produces some islets isn't solving the problem of this bad white blood cell which is still present in anyone with any autoimmune disease.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
What have we been up too?
Life has been busy with all our children but I am feeling pretty in control with looking after our three diabetic children and managing a large family.
Since my last update, Madeline has left school and started working full time at Hungry Jacks. She has been accepted into study at TAFE to do certificate 3 in fashion design. Her plan is to work full time, save some money and move to Adelaide in July as long as they have an intake. If there is no intake, she will start her studies in January next year.
We have just had two weeks of school holidays here. During the holidays, Madeline and Brigette went to Singapore. My sister lives there at the moment and is moving back in June. She flew the girls over and they had 8 days with her and her family.
Steve and I drove the girls to Adelaide to catch their plane and then we had a night on our own in Clare. We stayed at Clare Country Club. It was nice to spend some time alone.
The other holiday we had was camping in Bundaleer forest. Steve and I took our younger 4 children and we meet Daniel and our 3 nephews there. We hired a hut that we could throw mattresses on the floor and sleep. Outside we had a camp fire. It was fun to sit around the camp fire and drink endless cups of coffee, talk and play with the children.
Steve and I have been watching a few television programs together. Steve started watching The Walking Dead last year when Sam bought series one and two for him for his birthday. I wasn't interested at all in a zombie series and didn't watch it with him. He kept on telling me how good it was and how much he thought I would enjoy it. When series three finished he asked me if I wanted to watch series 1 and 2 with him. I agreed and said, when it is finished, we will watch Downton Abbey together. I sat through Walking Dead and we started Downton Abbey last week. I am really enjoying Downton Abbey and wish we had a bit more time to watch it. Since being back at school. we don't have as much time to watch series.
There has been lots more happening but I don't want to make this post too long.
Hoping to get into blogging a bit more this term and keep up with other blogs.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
A faithful Catholic women.
The new blog has a great post and I wanted to spread the word also.
Read the post here.
Here is the statement Caroline has asked us to post which I am in full agreement with:
I am a faithful practising Roman Catholic woman, who attends Mass at least once a week and who believes in and practices the Church’s teachings, specifically pertaining to matters on sexuality, contraception, abortion, marriage and the ordination of women. I believe that the Roman Catholic Church is sympathetic to and representative of the needs and concerns of women and their children, wherever they may be in the world. I would like to offer our new Pope Francis, my prayers and support and thank him for his continued protection and support of mothers and their unborn children. I fully endorse Church doctrine in relation to women’s issues.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Thankful Thursday. We have a new Pope. Giving thanks for the church.
A couple of years ago, a non Catholic challenged me in my faith in God because I am Catholic. At the time, he said to me that we could discuss anything I wanted and he would prove to me that the Catholic church was not from God and that in being a Catholic, I was not following God's plan for my life.
I challenged him with the fact that God started a church and that the Bible was a product of the church, not the church a product of the bible. We had quite a few notes back and forth about this and he showed me lots of Catholic sinners and lots of how his own interpretation of the bible contradicted some of the churches teachings. At the end of it though, he wasn't able to show me that Jesus didn't start a church because it is obvious from scripture that he did.
I am so grateful that God started the Catholic church and that the church guides us in to full truth. He promised us that the gates of hell would never prevail against her and that he would be with us always. For me, the new Pope is a sign that God is faithful in his words and that he is with us.
Thursday, March 07, 2013
Thankful Thursday.
So today I give thanks that we got our car in time and that we have a nice car to drive our children in.
Monday, March 04, 2013
Back at the beginning of the year, I chose consistency for my word. I said:
I want to be consistent with prayer, the different therapies my children need and my day. I want to do everything I need to with consistency and regularly.
In looking back I see the following good things:
Joseph and I start our day out everyday with prayer or mass. On Monday and Fridays, mass is in the evenings so we go and pray the rosary at church. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, mass is in the morning so we go to mass.
Most days after mass we go to the foreshore for Joseph to do his exercises.
Most mornings, I write up a to do list for the day. I have been pretty successful at getting everything done on my list most days.
Been pretty consistent at getting to bed around 10.30. I am also pretty consistent at getting up and checking any of the children that need bsl tests overnight.
the things I need to improve on:
My own personal prayer time. I have prayer time scheduled for the mornings. I need to do this more. I tend to either sleep or get up and check facebook, words with friends and email. I also have scheduled to do an examination of conscious each night but rarely do it. I spend time on computer or playing games.
Time management. Even though I am writing a daily plan and what I want to get done, I am also spending a lot of time sitting around and not being productive. That is one of the reasons I haven't posted on my blog for two weeks.
Homework: I want to be a bit more consistent in helping the children with their homework and be more involved in their learning.
Limiting screen time: For me and the children. They children are suppose to only have computer/television time between 4.00 and 5.00.
Pump uploads and recording bsl. Recording bsl and uploading pumps has never been my strong point in looking after the children's diabetes. I need to be more consistent in keeping their records and emailing pump uploads for their endocrinologist to look at.
Monday, February 18, 2013
An interview with an eight year old
I can juggle and write.
Christopher shares a room with Joseph.
What do you like about sharing with Joseph.
He doesn't get scared and I don't get scared either.
What do you dislike about sharing a room with him?
Sometimes he gets in my bed.
Do you like computer games?
What is your favourite one?
Plants vs zombies.
What s good about being 8?
I get more pocket money.
What is bad about being 8?
I have more jobs.
What is your favourite toy?
My helicopter.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Happy Birthday Christopher.
Today is Christopher's 8th birthday. I was going to post some pictures but it has been a long day and I want this to be a quick post. Coming this week, an interview with a new 8 year old. Post any question suggestions in the comment box.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Thankful Thursday
Today it is time to look at all the good things in our life and give thanks to God for all he provides.
Firstly I am giving thanks for Joseph and the blessing he is to our family. Last week, he wanted to come out with me and I couldn't take him. I closed our screen door and locked it but he managed to get it opened. I was reversing our car out the driveway and Christopher yelled stop. I hit the brakes and saw Joseph. It could have been catastrophic but thankfully it wasn't.
Next I am giving thanks for our Pope Benedict. I am thankful for his leadership and service to Jesus. Hope he has a long and happy retirement.
In this time of lent, I become more mindful of all the blessings we have in our life and all the material possessions we have. I am thinking about doing the 40 bags in 40 days challenge. I have thought about doing it before but never got around to it. I think this year would be a good time to do it.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Ash Wednesday.
In our family we will be having two nights a week that are computer and television free.
My own penance will be to have no sugar in my coffee and to go without soft drinks. I am also going to work on making my prayer times more consistent since consistency is my word for the year.
As a family, we will have a prayer basket on the table. In the basket we will put family and friends names. Each night before the family meal, we will draw out the names of friends and say a special prayer for them then. This is an idea I got from Alison at Totus Tuus.
I guess since we had the announcement of the Pope's resignation the church will be going without a Pope for lent. Well at least for some of it. I was saddened and shocked when I first heard the news but I know that the Holy Father is following the leading of the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit will guide the church to her new leader. I really hope we have a new Pope by Holy Week.
I hope you all have a blessed and holy lent.
Thursday, February 07, 2013
Thankful Thursday.
Today Joseph turns 3 and I am thankful for the blessing he is to our family.
We also found out today that he does not have type one diabetes anti bodies. I am thankful that we know this.
Tonight Madeline, Tom, Amelia and Christopher started musical theatre.I am thankful that they have the opportunity to learn dance and mix with children outside of school.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Thankful Thursday.
This week I am thankful for the schools our children are attending. I am thankful that they help us in educating our children and that our children are so happy there.
I am thankful that Steve has just about finished our new laundry.
I am thankful that I have more time with Joseph. We went to the pool today and out to the park on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tomorrow will be another visit to the park for his exercises.
Our new car is not here yet. They had to get it from overseas because we want a white one. I am still thankful that we have it coming though.
Thanks for dropping by. I am also thankful for friends that come and visit.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
First day of school
Last night, I spent a lot of time making sure I had everything everyone needed to look after their diabetes. I only forgot one thing and that was to get Amelia Muesli bars to eat before she goes out for sports. I went and spoke with her teacher this morning and they didn't have sports today so it wasn't a worry.
Joseph had a pretty good day with me at home. We were in and out a bit so he didn't really have a chance to miss Christopher too much. Tomorrow may be quite different. We will see how he goes.
Christopher was pretty excited about going to school. He seemed to enjoy his day and cope really well with it.
Tom had his first day at high school and it went well too. He seems very enthusiastic about Visual Arts and has spent a lot of the afternoon working on his cover picture. Maybe we have a budding artist in the family.
Amelia enjoyed her first day of year 6 but wasn't too impressed with bringing more school work to do at home even though I told her she would have it.
The older girls seemed to have a good day too.
I hope it continues for the rest of the term.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Christopher's new wallet
This is the link for the tutorial. Really easy to follow.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Tom's new backpack.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Seven Quick Takes.
Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.