Saturday, December 13, 2008

10 favourite living Catholics.

A while back, Jean tagged me for the 10 most fascinating Catholics.

Here is what Jean said about the meme.

I would like to make this a meme, as I'm eager to learn what the rest of you are thinking. The rules are to select ten of the most fascinating (living) Catholics for 2008. Then, tag at least five people for the meme.

1. George Cardinal Pell

2. Pope Benedict

3. Mary HIggins Clark

4. Fr. John Speekman

5. Sr. Mary Martha

6. Jennifer

7. Norma McCorvey

8. the Schindler family

9. Patty Bonds

10. Steve Ray

I tag the following for this meme:




Coo-ees from the Cloister



Shirley said...

I'd have to have Fr. Corapi in there!

Anonymous said...

Interesting list. Two of my top ten would be Mthr Angelica and Alice von Hildebrand; I must have a soft spot for old women.

X said...

I have met Mary Higgins Clark twice and she is the epitome of CLASS!

Therese said...


My mother went to a dinner where MHC spoke about her life. She said the same thing about her. I would love to meet her irl.


Fr. Corapi is certainly a good one. I didn't think about him last night. I was debating about putting Fr. Frank on but saw he has been on many other lists.


I love Mother Angelica and Alice too. Maybe it should have been top 15 Catholics.

Anonymous said...

What about your husband Therese I've heard he is a wonderful Catholic.

Therese said...

Yes S/H. He is. He really encourages me in my faith.

EC Gefroh said...

Therese, good list! I'm glad you remembered MHC :-)

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