Monday, December 29, 2008

God is not pro Choice.

Recently I read a post where a nun was putting forward the idea that God is pro choice.

I was astounded that anyone would be able to believe anything like this.

Michael Voris has some pretty strong things to say to Sr. Arlene Welling and I support him 100% in everything he says.

This program is from

Edit to add, since posting this, I have come across This article saying that Sr. Arlene Welling is sorry for what she said. I hope this is true.


Tracy said...

Thanks for sharing.. you are correct.. God is Not pro choice!!

Therese said...

Thanks Tracy,

Since posting this I have Come across this at Life Site News

Dawn said...

I once heard a homily on this same issue. But the idea was much more clearly expressed. Our language has been hijacked. So to say someone is pro-choice, in our language, means pro-abortion. God has given us the choice to follow His will or not. But this word choice is not related at all to the word "choice" in reference to abortion supporters. It does get rather confusing.

Therese said...

Yes Dawn,

To say pro choice is not even true. Could someone say they are pro people deciding for themselves if they have a slave or not?

We need to call people what they really are and if someone is not against abortion they are pro death.

Shelly said...

yes - it depends on what you're saying by pro-choice. b/c really God *is* pro-choice, literally, hence we have *free will*! We get to choose b/c He has given us Free Will. But i understand if you're talking Pro-Genocide - that kind of goes w/out saying IMO.

SQUELLY said...

What a great blog! I just stumbled upon it because I was looking for fellow Catholic bloggers! It is so uplifting to know that there are so many people that see through the deception of pro-choice language. How could anyone say that God was pro-choice? (ie pro abortion not pro free will- I obviously agree he is pro free will) especially a nun. I am a senior school teacher at a former convent school and was recently told that a nun helped organise an abortion - it broke my heart and really shattered my idea of what a nun should be.

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