Friday, December 26, 2008

What is your personality type?

A while ago, I Analyzed Aussie Coffee Shop and the Typealyzer put me down as a ESFP (Extrovert, sensing, feeling, perceiving)

Today I did another similar test and the quiz came up with ESFJ (extrovert, sensing, feeling, judging)

The two tests are close. The only difference is between the perceiving and judging. I wonder though. The typealyzer automatically analyzes me and came up with perceiving and where I had to answer questions to get the type it comes up with something different.

So what do you all think? Am I perceiving or judging or am I even somewhere in the middle and not one or the other?



Adrienne said...

You are both. Don't get all upset by the "judging". That word has such a bad reputation due to the times we live in. We judge all the time. Some would call it the sister of prudence. What we can't do is condemn. That belongs to the Lord.

Alexandra said...

These MBTI personality tests are always fun. From what I read, the differences between J and P are:

"People with the Judging preference want things to be neat, orderly and established. The Perceiving preference wants things to be flexible and spontaneous. Judgers want things settled, Perceivers want thing open-ended. "

Of course, that is hard because all of us use both. You may be borderline, and balanced between the two. I think the easiest way is to find out what your husband's type is, and see if you differ. Sometimes we marry our complement.

My husband is a very strong ISFP, and I can tell I am more of a J than he is, but we both are open ended, and don't need plans for the day. We like to just "wing it". I'm still a P, just not a super strong one.

I think P's are more likely to mull over issues before forming an opinion - they look at the options from all angles, whereas J's tend to be quick to judge or make decisions.

J's can be a little more action and forward driven, whereas P's are happy to hang back and just "be". I think it's the difference between a relaxed personality and a more intense personality.

If you tend to do things at the last minute rather than planning every last detail, that is definitely a P thing. I tend to do that! P's are actually good at it(comfortable) - operating in this last minute mode. It's not a dysfunction because they have probably been planning things in their mind with contingency plans all along. It's just more amorphous and bundled up together, rather than organized neatly into sub-categories.

P's can shift more easily when plans change; it doesn't bother them as much as J's. They are good at flexibility, and rolling with it.

Easter Almuena said...

Hello dear Therese,
And many more Christmas days to spend with much joy! :-)

Today is Esther's b-day.:-)

Therese said...

Thanks for all that info Alexandra.

I am thinking now that I am probably borderline like you say. Steve and I did the test a couple of years ago and he was very strong in all areas. He wasn't borderline at all. We are also complete opposites.

I am a bit of a last minute person with somethings but I rely heavily on having schedule to get things done.

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Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
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