Sunday, May 01, 2011

The denial of God's existence leads to the complete disintegration of morality, meaning, human value and the possibility of knowledge.

Continuing on with the book "The Godless Delusion," the authors Patrick Madrid and Kenneth Hensley outline the approach they will take in the following chapters to solve the problem of the godless delusion.

While the Christian worldview can account for and make sense of the most basic and important aspects of his/her experience as a human being the atheist worldview simply cannot. Naturalists who say that nothing exists but matter cannot make sense of realities such as the existence of right and wrong the possibility of knowledge, or the belief in human dignity freedom and personality. The authors hope to lead the atheist to see that he/she must in fact presuppose God's existence in order to make heads or tails of his/her experience as a human being.

God's existence alone provides the very preconditions of intelligible human experience while the denial of God's existence leads to the complete disintegration of not only morality, meaning and human value and dignity, but the possibility of knowledge itself. The atheist world view leads to foolishness. It leads to conclusions the atheist is not going to be willing or able to live with. The atheist must presuppose God's existence even to argue against it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! Denying HIm does not make God go away.

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.

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