Monday, April 07, 2008

Mothers rule Monday.

How much is enough? I keep on asking myself, how much do we really need?

In our western culture, we are encouraged to have more of everything. We are encouraged to be selfish and not go without things. Over lent while I was going through our stuff, I realized how much money I have waisted buying "bargains" and never using them.

While going through all our stuff I read with interest a post that I cannot remember but I think was at Lynn's blog Signs and Wonders

Lynn spoke about decluttering and cleaning out a room a month. She started with her laundry and decided to downsize all the clothes that her children had. Her children were allowed 3 daytime outfits and 2 good outfits. (I think). I cannot find the post so I cannot make sure.

After reading this I started thinking how much is enough? How much do we really need?

While thinking this I had all the things that I have grown up hearing going through my head. I was thinking, you can never have too many clothes. Better keep it in case you need it in the future. It is true, we do need to be prudent and sensible. We need to look after all our needs but I think we don't have as many needs as we think we do.

In a family like ours, I wash everyday. We would average 4 loads everyday. With washing everyday, I don't think my children need the amount of clothes they have. They all have draws crammed full of things. Because the clothes are so crammed in, they cannot find things when they need them. They also will say wow, I forgot I had this. Hearing these two things alone make me think they have way too many clothes. So it is time to downsize significantly. I think of all the decluttering, this will help the most.

At the end of this week, we have two weeks holidays. I am going to help all our children work out what is necessary and what isn't. I am going to bag up all the unnecessary extras and take them to St. Vinnies.

I am looking forward to see if it makes much difference or not.


Kathleen Miller said...


I am all for decluttering, having been doing this in our home for sometime.

I am waiting for the day when I can say " We are totally decluttered".

What a great post.

Come by and visit me, I have something special for you.

God Bless,


Lisa@UnexpectedJourney said...

I recently finished decluttering the kids clothes, too. Some of the clothes in their closets and drawers were two sizes too small! Sometimes it seems as though I had just decluttered, but obviously not! I had 5 bags to donate to the thrift store. I don't know how everything fit in our house! LOL!

Therese said...

oh Lisa, I know what you mean. We only moved in this house not quite two years ago. The house before this one was half the size of this and I keep on saying to Steve, where did we keep everything. I know though that the house must have looked really cluttered to anyone that came over.

Therese said...

Thanks for the flowers kathy. I really appreciate them.

Shirley said...

My husband makes sure we keep de-cluttered. Also, we move alot and so I've learned over the years not to keep stuff just because of sentiment, and that can be hard because memories are so dear to us. For example I might have a dozen things that remind me of someone special, so I pick one and out with the rest!

Anne (aussieannie) said...

Therese, did you write that, I did I?!? BOY I can relate to it all!!!

Therese said...


That was what I thought when I read Lynn's post. I wish I could find it. It was such a good post and it could have been written by me.

Gina said...

Way to go Therese!
I hope you keep it up.
Less clutter makes you feel better at home too:)

Anonymous said...

Yep, I can relate to this too! I have also been decluttering the kids clothes and have allowed them their Sunday Best and 4 of each item. They do have a lot of undies, but I'm happy for that to be the case. The younger ones also have a lot of socks - of necessity.

The baby probably needs about 6 of each item, since he is changed most often.

Therese said...

Louise, I was thinking the same about Christopher. At three he does get into all kinds of things and can sometimes change up to three times a day. I think I will keep a couple of extra outfits for him for this very reason.

Anonymous said...

Therese I think this is the post you are refering to As far as the laundry goes limiting each childs cloths has made such a difference to the amount of washing/folding I have to do.

Therese said...

Thanks Lynn.

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Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
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