Here are the questions everyone asked me:
From Vicki
Ok, here's a question. It may be hard to answer in a blog post though. How do you pronounce your name? I know the American and French pronunciation, but what about the Australian.
My name is pronounced Ter-raise. Many Australian's when they see it pronounce it Ter-ease but my mother has always pronounced it Ter-aise. HTH. This would be a good thing to put on video maybe for you to hear the pronounciation and our accent.
From Grace
Name and post your four favorite Christmas songs.
1. Steve Curtis Chapman's This Baby
2. The First Noel
3. Boney M Mary's Boy Child
4. Joy To the World
From Dawn
I have three, if that's okay. What is your favorite movie? song? book?
Favourite movie is a toss up between The Sound of Music and It's a Wonderful Life.
Favourite song is Joyful Joyful, We Adore Thee I also love both Sister Act movies.
I cannot think of a favourite book. If I had to choose a favourite genre I would say Mystery books. I have read many Agatha Christie, Mary Higgin's Clark and Just finished my first Carol HIggins Clark.
From Therese
Have you lived in Australia your whole life? Ever been to the US?
Yes to Australia my whole life and no I haven't been to the US. I haven't traveled outside Australia at all but I have seen every State and Territory in Australia. (I saw the Northern Territory when I was only 1 though so don't remember it.
I have heard that your toilets flush in the opposite direction of ours. Our are counter-clockwise-I just checked...what about yours? hee, hee!
hmm. I cannot tell with our toilet. I went and flushed it and couldn't see which way it was going down. I will check it out next time Christopher has a bath and will probably be able to see it a bit clearer. Maybe this is something else we could video.
from Alison.
If you could choose someone to play you in a movie rendition of your life who would it be? :)
Nicole Kidman?
Nicole Kidman is a great actress and I would love her to play me in a movie. I am not anything like her though so they would have to make her up a lot.
from both Nancy and Esther
What is your favourite prayer?
I love praying The Angelus and the St. Michael Prayer.
From Kalona
How did you meet your husband?
Steve and I meet at a 21st birthday party. We were both involved in the Young Christian Worker's movement. Most of my socializing was with other YCW members then. The day after Steve and I meet at the 21st there was a first wedding anniversary party. Steve rang me and asked me if I wanted a lift. I had already organised to go with someone else but got a lift home with him. From there we started having many dates.
From Alexandria
Where is your favorite place to go on holidays?
I love camping in Caravan parks by the beach in Summer.
has your family always been in Australia?
I wish I could visit someday. It's on my list of places to travel if we have a lot of spare cash. ;)
I hope you do visit sometime and you will have to stay with us.
Thanks everyone for your questions. If anyone else has any more questions feel free to ask still.
All about Therese, Steve, Daniel and Angelique, Sam and Jess, Madeline and Daniel, Brigette and Adriano, Tom, Amelia and Ryan, Christopher and Joseph. Come on in and share a cup of coffee and see what is happening in our lives.
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Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.
the only thing i want to know is, when are you coming to canada? i can get you a cowboy hat, and a horse to ride:) hee hee hee:) we live in cowtown after all, and you must come to the world famous calgary stampede, the biggest outdoor show on earth:) is it western oriented as in horses, rodeos, etc? yup, it is:)
its fun:)
Thanks for answering. I know I totally lowered the bar with my toilet question, but inquiring minds want to know! :)
This was a great idea!! Thanks for sharing about yourself.. very fun to read and I feel like I know you that much better:)
Thank you so much for answering these! I feel like I know you a little better now....well, at least better in the "cyber" sense.
This baby by SCC is one of my most favorite Christmas songs too!! :-)
That was fun! What a great idea for a blog post. Thanks so much Therese...if I win the lottery, I'll be sure to stop by on my worldwide tour. ;). You are always welcome here as well. :)
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