Saturday, September 15, 2007

Busy but fun weekend plans.

Well since I was feeling ill yesterday the food shopping didn't get done. I was able to make myself go to bed early last night though so got up early this morning and was able to get it done. I am going to do my cooking this afternoon and fold the washing (not because I want to but because I need to). Tomorrow we will go to Mass and we are having friends over for lunch in the afternoon. This family has 5 children so I am sure there will be plenty going on with our 7 and their 5.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.



Michele said...

tomorrow after Mass, i am going to visit my brothers grave and pray for the holy souls in Purgatory. then we are going to go have a quiet picnic lunch in a lovely park.

Therese said...

that is a great idea to visit a grave and pray for the souls in purgatory. Have a fun picnic Marilena.

Michelle said...

Therese, I'm glad you're feeling and have a wonderful time on Sunday with your friends.

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.

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Australian Catholic Homeschoolers.

Tom's and Christopher's insulin pump

New book: Faith Quilt.

New book: Faith Quilt.
All proceeds from sales of "FAITH QUILT" going to "Casa de Amor Children's Homes in Bolivia" and "Sarah's Covenant Homes in India" Two truly extraordinary organisations that take in the most needy children and give them a place of love and security to call home.