Thursday, July 24, 2008

This Sunday.

Madeline is going to be confirmed. She is taking Maria Goretti as her patron saint and a good friend of ours that is a Mercy Sister is going to be her sponsor. I have cut out a jacket and dress for her to wear and should finish sewing it of by Saturday. I think I have a tradition of finishing of First Communion Dresses the day before so think I should continue this with the Confirmation Dress.

Since we don't have a Bishop in our diocese at the moment, Fr. Paul (our Parish Priest) is confirming the children. Please pray for all the children that are preparing to receive the Sacrament this weekend.



Michele said...

congratulations! my frank will be confirmed in december in the traditional church by our bishop:)
its wonderful:) the traditional way of being confirmed is not the same as it is in the new Mass. you kneel before the bishop, and you say a prayer that you recite 3 times, and he gives you a little slap on the cheek ( no it doesnt hurt) then you go to the priest and he gives you holy communion. your sponsor puts their hand on your back as well when you are confirmed.

it is really lovely. this is the way it has been done for over 1,000 years. its truly lovely. its an honor to be confirmed by a bishop.

Michele said...

oh, and on your confirmation certificate, it says marilena philomena (my patron saint is saint philomena) and then my last name. :) your patron saint is added as the second name.

Alexandra said...

How wonderful! Congratulations Madeline, and may the fruits of the Holy Spirit be prolific.

Shirley said...

Blessings to Madeline! I was the confirmation sponsor for my neice, Sara, who also took Maria Goretti as her patron saint.
Pictures of her in her new dress please!

Angie said...

Congratulations and God's Blessing to Madeline. My daughter was confirmed last April. Her saint is Elisabeth Ann Seton. ang

Shelly said...

How wonderful! Congrats :o)

Have you seen the movie of Maria Goretti [it was done in 2003] - a really great film.

Anonymous said...

Hi Therese

I hope your Madeline has a lovely day and she looks great in her new outfit. It is a major occasion and barring Marriage and Holy orders the last scrament most of us receive. Here in Canberra half the kids are confirmed by the local priest as the two bishops cannot make it around all the kids.

I echo the sentiment that someone said about put up a photo of her in her Confirmation finery.


Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.

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New book: Faith Quilt.
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