When I had exactly a month to go, I asked people to guess the date and weight of our baby:
Here are the guesses that people have put in so far.
Starting with dates:
January 14th:
Mrs. B from So many Bakers.
January 22nd:
cuaguy from The Adventures of a CUA Student.
January 27th:
Yofed from The land of Cheerios, sticky fingers and muddy shoes.
Maria from That they may have life.
January 29th:
Mary from Random Thoughts.
January 30th:
Leslie from Temp Blog.
Laura from Laura the Crazy Mama.
January 31st:
Coleen from Martin Family Moments.
Sara - Kala from This is the road I am traveling on.
Adrienne from Adrienne's Armoire.
February 1st.
Catholic Convert from Catholic Down Under.
February 3rd.
Lisa from Are we There Yet?
February 4th. (Actual Due Date).
Cathy from A bit of the Blarney.
BecomeWhatYouAre from Become What You Are.
Christie from Garden of Holiness.
Abbey from Abbey's Road.
February 5th.
Rosemary from A Catholic Mothers Thoughts.
February 7th
Baby YahYah from The Courageous O'Connors.
Jean from Catholic Fire.
February 8th.
Joe of St. Thérèse from Verbum Veritatis in Mahonyland.
February 10th.
Therese from The Musings of a Mom.
February 11th.
Jillian from Home Schooling for Christ.
2976 (6lbs 9oz)
Maria from That they may have life.
3345 (7lb 6oz)
Lisa from Are We There Yet?
3430 (7lbs 9oz)
Abbey from Abbey's Road.
3515 (7lb 12oz)
Leslie from Temp Blog.
3572 (7lb 14 oz)
Rosemary from A Catholic Mothers Thoughts.
3685 (8 lb 2oz)
Baby YahYah from The Courageous O'Connor's.
Therese from The Musings of a Mom.
Yofed from The Land of Cheerios, Sticky Fingers and Muddy Shoes.
Mary from Random Thoughts.
3713 (8lb 3oz)
Laura from Laura the Crazy Mama.
3770 (8lb 5 oz)
Coleen from Martin Family Moments.
3883 (8lb 9 oz)
Cathy from A bit of the Blarney.
3968 (8lb 12oz)
Sara - Kala from This is the Road I am Traveling.
4025 (8lb 14 oz)
Cuaguy from The Adventures of a CUA Student.
4120 (9lb 1oz)
Jillian from Home Schooling For Christ.
4139 (9lb 2oz)
Become What You Are from Become What you Are.
Jean from Catholic Fire.
4440 (9lb 12.5oz)
Christie from Garden of Holiness.
I hope I haven't missed any.
Competition is still open. You can leave a guess either on this post or the linked post.
All about Therese, Steve, Daniel and Angelique, Sam and Jess, Madeline and Daniel, Brigette and Adriano, Tom, Amelia and Ryan, Christopher and Joseph. Come on in and share a cup of coffee and see what is happening in our lives.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
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Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.
Baby Boy -- I like the name Joseph Benedict by the way -- will be born on February 7, 2010 and will weigh 9lbs. 2 ounces.
Have a great day!:)
January 29th. Coming in at 3680grams
Feb 8ths
Now just waiting for the wee one's arrival! Gave a grand day! Cathy
I will have to go with Jan 22 and 8lb 14 oz
How about John Paul? Getting excited!!!
January 30 (my hubby's 30th birthday!) weighing 7lbs 12oz.
Getting so close now!
My baby is a girl, but if she were a boy, I'd have named him "Joseph". Okay, My guess is January 30 and I say 8 pounds 3 oz.
Well, guess you'll miss my B-Day and won't be naming your baby, Adrienne; so, here goes:
January 31 shortly before Midnight - you name him; just pick a good Saint for Sir and Baptism!
St. Gerard Majella, Ora Pro Nobis!
Okay, my guess is Jan. 27 at a weight of 6 lbs, 9 oz. Sorry, I don't know what the gram conversion is!
February 4th, 7lbs. 9 oz. I hope it's sooner, for your sake, tho! ;)
Feb 4, 7lb, 2 oz.
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