Today we set up the baby hammock and I bought a new car seat. I was going to post some photos of everything that we have but it is getting late and I need to have some sleep. I will upload everything tomorrow morning.
While I am talking about baby, I thought I would have a little competition.
Guess the date and time that our baby will be born and his weight. It is due exactly a month from today.
With our other babies, Daniel and Christopher were both 10 days late, Sam was 4 weeks early and the others were all born within a couple of days of their due date.
As a bonus, put in a name suggestion for our little boy. Steve and I still haven't agreed on a name and Steve isn't too keen on the top 4 that we chose.
All about Therese, Steve, Daniel and Angelique, Sam and Jess, Madeline and Daniel, Brigette and Adriano, Tom, Amelia and Ryan, Christopher and Joseph. Come on in and share a cup of coffee and see what is happening in our lives.
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Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.
I'm going to predict that the wee on will be born on February 4 and he will weigh 8 lbs, 9 oz. Perhaps Matthew Thomas would be a name I would suggest. Have a grand day!!! Cathy
Guessing: 1 Feb, Midday.
We like Christopher but you already have that name. We also like Samuel.
With the news about John Paul II and Henry Newman could you chuck JP or Henry in as a name. For that matter Max (as in Maximillian Kolbe) could be possible...
i generally don't like to guess. so i'll only say that i wish you well, and your positively glowing therese. most moms do during pregnancy. :)
he'll come when God deems its time for him to come :) as for names, iam sure whatever you pick is going to be nice :) best wishes my friend, and to your new one too:) happy new year!
Well, I love Aaron James as its my sons name and we used it as one name ie AaronJames. As a Child he was Aaron or AJ. As an adult his friends call him Jim or Jimmy.
Joshua David was our runner up name!
how about feb 7 2010
weight? 8lbs 2 oz
name of the 4 chosen: Joseph Benedict is my favorite since my little Patrick is a Patrick Benedict
suggestions? hmmmm Daniel, James, Stephen, Robert, Paul, Michael, Gregory, Luke, Nicholas.... they all seem like they would be types of names you would like.
lol forgot you already have a
I think Feb.10. 8 pounds, 2 ounces.
How about Benjamin or Nicholas?
Almost there, it's so exciting!!!
I'll say January 27th, 8lbs2oz
I wish you a Jan 13 baby, they are so cute ;) tee hee hee
As for a name, I'll go with Lucas. I love that name so much that I would call all my boys that... but that's not an option, of course! lol
Baby Boy born 1/31 at 7:42 am weighing in at 8lbs 5 oz.
And I believe you should still name him son needs another one in the world :)
I will guess Feb. 5 at 2:04 A, 7 pounds 14 ounces. My favorite boy names are Michael, Joseph, John, Paul (and especially John Paul together), James, Anthony. Benedict also seems very appropriate, after the Holy Father. God bless you and your dear Baby!
Hi Therese,
I'm guessing the 11th February, with a birth weight of 4120 grams.
Luke Stephen are the names that I came up with.
Have a great week,
February 3rd, 7lbs, 6oz. I like Jeremy and Joseph. The feast of St. Blaise is on the 3rd -- but that'd be a sorry name, I'm afraid, to saddle a boy with -- but the feast of St. Andrew Corsini is on the 4th, and Andrew is a lovely name...
Blessings, Therese! I hope you're feeling well!
Steve for a boy, Therese for a girl (just in case!) My great grandparents named their 6th and 7th children after them - obviously they were getting stuck by that stage!
Feb 4, mid-morning
9lb/2oz (4139gm)
21.5 in (54.6cm)
How about Benjamin Joseph?
(why? just because they're both great names and you still need a Ben or a Joe!)
praying for a safe and happy labor and delivery! How exciting!
January 31, 2020; late afternoon, weighing in about 8 pounds 12 ounces, 19 or so inches in length.
Joseph, Richard, Ambrose, Eamon, are some names I like.
God bless you~
January 14th
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