Party Day.
We have a big big day in our house. Tonight is Daniel's 18th birthday party. Most things are prepared but we still have a few to do. This will be our first big party with a lot of guests. I hope it all goes well.
Heat Wave.
Today is heading to 42 (106).
Tomorrow the same.
Monday is only going to be 41 (105)
Tuesday will be much cooler at 31 (87) so I am looking forward to Tuesday.
New Car.
Daniel has bought his first car. I was going to take a photo and put it here but he has gone out for the day.
When he comes home, I will take a picture and upload it.
Our baby is a night baby. As soon as I get into bed at night, he starts moving and jumping around. He moves a little bit during the day but is noticeably more active at night.
I also had a bit of a God incidence about the due date. I think I know what date baby will come just from a couple of things that some people have said to me and a dream I had. I won't write here what date I think it is since I have asked people to guess but if it happens on that date, I will let you know about this God incidence. If you are very curious and cannot wait to find out, email me and I will tell you what has happened and what was said.
Quiet Week.
Next week Madeline and Brigette are going to Adelaide to stay with my girlfriend for three nights. I will put them on the bus here Tuesday morning and She will pick them up. On Friday morning, they will head home on the bus. It will be really quiet here for the week without them.
Started working last week at Hungry Jacks. Here is a picture of her in her uniform.

No number 7 today. Just cannot think of anything else to blog about.
Jen from Conversion Diary is the hostess for Quick 7 each week. Head over and read other people's posts.
Party Day.
We have a big big day in our house. Tonight is Daniel's 18th birthday party. Most things are prepared but we still have a few to do. This will be our first big party with a lot of guests. I hope it all goes well.
Heat Wave.
Today is heading to 42 (106).
Tomorrow the same.
Monday is only going to be 41 (105)
Tuesday will be much cooler at 31 (87) so I am looking forward to Tuesday.
New Car.
Daniel has bought his first car. I was going to take a photo and put it here but he has gone out for the day.
When he comes home, I will take a picture and upload it.
Our baby is a night baby. As soon as I get into bed at night, he starts moving and jumping around. He moves a little bit during the day but is noticeably more active at night.
I also had a bit of a God incidence about the due date. I think I know what date baby will come just from a couple of things that some people have said to me and a dream I had. I won't write here what date I think it is since I have asked people to guess but if it happens on that date, I will let you know about this God incidence. If you are very curious and cannot wait to find out, email me and I will tell you what has happened and what was said.
Quiet Week.
Next week Madeline and Brigette are going to Adelaide to stay with my girlfriend for three nights. I will put them on the bus here Tuesday morning and She will pick them up. On Friday morning, they will head home on the bus. It will be really quiet here for the week without them.
Started working last week at Hungry Jacks. Here is a picture of her in her uniform.

No number 7 today. Just cannot think of anything else to blog about.
Jen from Conversion Diary is the hostess for Quick 7 each week. Head over and read other people's posts.
Yay Madeline! How exciting her first job :D I remember mine. Checkout chick :) I loved the feeling of being a grown up and having a little money of my own and being able to spend it on my family. It seemed such a lot of money!
Happy Birthday Daniel! It's a scary birthday in some ways. No longer a child and now an adult who needs to take on adult responsibilities. I'm sure you will blossom into a wonderful caring loving man with parents like your's how could you not!
Heat wave eeks. I hope it's not so hot closer to you birthing day. I wish you all the best for that special day too. i hope it's the birth you dream of and leaves you feeling fulfilled and happy.
Now the New car i would find very scary as a mum! How do you let them grow up? and take those risks?
Please could you send me your snail mail? I have a few boy things to pass on! Now that my beautiful girl is here :D
Big night Therese!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating.
Yay for Madeline! Hungry Jacks was Simone's first employer too.
We are hot here but nothing like what your experiencing, praying for cooler weather for you :)
Have a great night
I hope Daniel has a fun party! From your FB post I'm guessing it's going on right now. I'm making breakfast. 106 F is pretty hot! Is there much humidity? If it was that hot here we'd be miserable, because it gets pretty humid in the summer. Right now we're freezing--there's snow on the ground and our lake is frozen over. I want to guess your birthing day--what is your due date again?
Your quick 7 (6) was very good...I'm especially intrigued by the God incident. You see I too have dreams and He is always right. I, though, will wait and see. I'm working on patience and this is a good place to start! Look forward to your telling of the dreams visitor.
Have a wonderful time tonight and Happy Birthday to Daniel! Cathy
How exciting! What a busy week! How very hot for you, though!
Happy 18th to Daniel!
Good luck, Madeline, and remember: be a happy servant - it's not just the money you are after, but a good name!!! If you are a good worker, you'll get good recommendations and you'll feel wonderful about doing what's right and a job well done.
My first job: babysitting, then, a local dry cleaners all through high school.
Happy 18th Birthday to Daniel!
Congrats on the new job to Madeline. She looks so cute in her uniform.
Rest a lot during these hot days, Therese. My daughter was a summer baby. I remember those days, pregnant in all that heat!
Happy Birthday to Daniel. Here in the U.S. that would mean he could vote but not drink. (21 for drinking.) How about there?
It's strange to think that your weather is warm. (It's a big world.) It's single digits F. here. Very cold.
I keep on looking at blogs that have pictures with snow in them. I keep on thinking how nice the snow looks and want to feel the cold of it.
Here in Australia, legal drinking age is 18. Daniel can now go and buy alcohol in pubs and bottle shops legally.
I keep on looking at blogs that have pictures with snow in them. I keep on thinking how nice the snow looks and want to feel the cold of it.
Here in Australia, legal drinking age is 18. Daniel can now go and buy alcohol in pubs and bottle shops legally.
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