Saturday, November 17, 2007

A bit more about the pump.

I just read my last post about the pump. I realize that I left a lot of infomation out and many of you probably are thinking what the heck is she talking about.

With an insulin pump Tom receives insulin all the time. When he was having injections he would receive a dose of insulin all at once and this meant that he would have to eat at the exact right time or go low.

With a pump he receives a small dose every hour. We have programed into the pump what insulin Tom needs for each hour of the day. It is just a small amount. This is called the basal rate. Everytime Tom eat's carb's we give him some extra insulin. The amount is worked out by entering in his bsl (blood sugar level) and the amount of carb's he is eating. This is called the bolus rate.

The first couple of days we were testing Tom's sugars all the time. If his sugars went high we would check to see if he had ketone's. If he did then we knew that there was a problem with the pump and that he needed to resite the pump.

Monday Tom had the pump put in. Tuesday he had ketones and needed to have it resited. Wednesday the same. Thursday he didn't wake with ketones but was fiddling with the pump and pulled the attachment of. We weren't able to reattach it so had to resite it again. Hopefully this one will last until tomorrow.

We are still trying to get the basal rate right. I am doing a lot of bsl tests. I have to test him every night at midnight and 3am. It is wearing but it is getting better and I am sure we will know the right rate soon.


Michele said...

i will keep your family in my prayers:)

Dawn said...

Praying for you! It must be so difficult to have to control his insulin 24/7, getting used to the pump.

Therese said...

Once we get the basal rate worked out I think it will be much easier Dawn. It is just lots of hard work for the first couple of weeks.

Episcopollyanna said...

Prayers for you. I have a close friend with a pump (she's had Type 1 diabetes since childhood too) and it's been working really well for her.

Marie said...

Will keep you in my prayers Therese:( how wearing it must be.

It is sizzling hot right now...know you are in my prayers:).

Peace to you & your family:)


Anonymous said...

We will keep praying for Tom and for you while you are trying to make all those adjustments.

John Michael said...

You will love the pump. Since my wife went on it (5 years ago) her highest A1C has been 6.2 Let me know if you want her email address and I will get it for you. She loves helping fellow pumpers.

Therese said...
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Therese said...

6.2 is fantastic. Tom's last one was 10.8 and I think the best we have had is 7.2.It would be great to get in contact with your wife. My email is


John Michael said...

10.8 ouch! I can see why you went with the pump. Once you get it fine tuned the A1C levels will go down. She averaged an 8 or 9 before the pump. Of course testing your sugars is the key with the pump. My wife will contact you soon.

God bless.

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes

Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.

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Tom's and Christopher's insulin pump

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