But I think we have it all behind us now. Tom had ketones again. After speaking with the Endocrinologist we decided this evening that he needed a higher basal rate. This is the insulin that goes in slowly all the time. Usually having ketones indicates that the insulin isn't going in but we don't think that was the case with Tom today. He simply had been high for a bit too long. We have changed his basal rate so hopefully we will have good sugars now.
Today was the Federal Election in Australia. We have a new Prime Minister. Our new Prime Minister is Kevin Rudd. I wonder what this Govt will be like.
All about Therese, Steve, Daniel and Angelique, Sam and Jess, Madeline and Daniel, Brigette and Adriano, Tom, Amelia and Ryan, Christopher and Joseph. Come on in and share a cup of coffee and see what is happening in our lives.
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Please pray for a cure for Type One Diabetes
Our sons Tom and Christopher and our daughter Amelia are type one diabetics. We pray everyday for a cure. We do not want one by illicit means though so don't support any organisation that contributes to Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Click on the photo of Tom and Christopher to read about why I am against using Embryonic Stem cells for a cure.
Therese, I'll continue to pray for Tom and for you. I hope his sugar levels stabilize soon.
Prayers for Tom and for all of you. Ketones can make you feel lousy, IIRC. I had that with my longtime kidney infection. Poor guy. :(
Hope he feels better soon and that everything is back to normal. God bless. +
I pray for you and Tom.
ebeth at a catholic mom climbing the pillars hasn't been able to ge tto your blog. would you mind stopping by her blog therese?
Hey Therese! Thanks for the correction....I have been trying so hard to recapture all my links to favorite blogs and stuff that I must have done that in a rush. Haste makes waste they always say!
THanks and hugs!
Thanks Divine!
Praying Therese. BTW, I was sorry to hear PM John Howard lost.
I was sorry too. He gave a great speech imo conceding. He is stepping down now.Thanks for the prayers. I think God is teaching me perseverance.
Hi Therese! Thanks for stopping by today. I was thinking of you today. My son was throwing ketones yesterday too. He has ketotic hypoglycemia so we needed to go to the hospital for an IV flush as he fights a virus. How's Tom?
+JMJ+, I am so sorry to hear that news.
Yesterday was a good day. We had no highs or lows. This morning he is high so I think he may have eaten something extra.
I will add your son to my prayer intentions.
Therese, I'm praying for Tom and for you.
I will keep Tom in my prayers and also yourself and family:).
I voted Labor so my family is quite pleased and looking forward to the future. The IR laws were NO fun for my brother.
Peace and JOY to you:)
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