Sunday, September 14, 2008

Key points edited out of Sarah Palin's interview.

Yesterday I watched Sarah Palin's interview with Charlie Gibson. I thought she handled herself really well. This morning I read This article that shows many key points were edited out by ABC.

How disappointing that ABC would misrepresent Sarah Palin like that.


Angie said...

That's ABC for you. We have switched to FOX. ang

Anonymous said...

Disappointing but not surprising.
I was getting pretty fed up with this whole American election thing-and worried about how it would effect us this side of the pond.
Mrs Palin has made things a lot more interesting.
How do you think it will all effect Australia?
God bless

Therese said...

Shell, I think what ever happens in the USA, tends to happen here. If Obama gets in, I think that the abortion laws will change and there will be more abortions and that will follow suit here.

Seeing someone like Sarah Palin in the running has actually given me great hope for our future. I didn't think there were any women like that involved in politics. If McCain wins the election I am sure that some women will be encouraged to be real feminists.

Michele said...

well why on earth would any obama supporting network want to EVER show the entire interview? that would mean that governor palin would look better (she is anyways) politically! nah, they want some pro abortionist pro feminist for president! to heck with traditional values!!!! to heck with traditionalists, period!

Michele said...

oh oh oh wait, the don't believe in REAL family values!!! stupid me for forgetting that!!!!! thats why they don't want to air the ENTIRE thing!! stupid me!!!

Anonymous said...

If Obama gets in, I think that the abortion laws will change and there will be more abortions and that will follow suit here.

I don't know for sure, but I suspect our abortion laws are already worse than those in the USA.

I'd like to find out.

paramedicgirl said...

No surprise they did that. I think God is giving America a real chance here to have someone decent steering the country towards a moral leadership. Let's hope the people see that and vote appropriately. If Obama gets in, I will be very worried, since we are America's immediate neighbour. It doesn't take long for the American immorality to creep across the border to Canada.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Well, here I am at work, not electricity at home because of a brutal wind yesterday that has most of three cities without lights, et. al. My routine was shot at 10:00 a.m. laundry is piled everywhere! EEEK! Take care...Pray I have lights sooon! Cathy

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