Here's the deal - go to your pictures, go to the 6th file, go to the 6th picture and then post it. For bonus points [yeah, sure, there's points] see if you can remember even taking the picture.
So here is the photo:
I cannot remember taking it. I would say though that Tom took this photo instead of doing his spelling that Amelia is so diligently doing in this photo. I was probably out hanging washing when Tom took this photo. I didn't even know we had it on the computer.
I tag the following for this fun tag:
Catholic Convert
Esther also tagged me. My Unspectacular Quirks Meme.
Here are the rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Post these rules.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
1. I hate going to bed but love being up early. The only way I can get up early is if I go to bed early.
2. I love having a dog but hate it when he wants me to pat him and gets in my face.
3. I like our children to have home made muffins and quiches for their snacks but hate cooking them.
4. I love meeting new people but I am often too shy to walk up to them and introduce myself.
5. This is the third time I have done this meme but I like doing meme's.
6. I thought it was my dream to build our own dream home but I think renovating our house has been more fun.
I am going to tag the following for this meme:
Journey of Truth
Fr. John Speekman
6 unspectacular things? okay, iam game.
1. i hate summer- too hot and too many bugs
2. i always get up bright and early every morning
3. iam not an evening person
4. i wish i could sew, but at least i can cook!
5. i like reading- lots of reading!
6. iam a good negotiator
Oooh, I'm flattered. I'll post this soon!! Thanks an big blessings!
Thanks for the tag Therese! Thanks for playing. BTW, I can really relate to your #4.
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